Good Eggs: Wordtracker's weekly SEO round-up (Week ending March 14th, 2013)

Posted by Julie McNamee on 14 Mar, 2013
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Good Eggs: Wordtracker's weekly SEO round-up (Week ending March 14th, 2013). Includes news on Google Panda, the new Facebook news feed and the end of Google Reader

This week's round-up of our favorite SEO-related articles includes news on Google Panda, the new Facebook news feed and the end of Google Reader

Good egg

There's been some news on the Google Panda front. Here it is: Google: Panda to be Integrated Into the Search Algorithm (Panda Everflux)

Facebook will be revamping their news feed, and if you'd like to know how they worked out the design for it, read on: This Is How Facebook Came Up With News Feed Redesign

John Jantsch sees social behavior and the development of community as being the future of social media. Read his views in How to build community

eMarketer present some statistics on which types of content marketing produces results in Which Content Marketing Tactics Get the Best ROI? and if this subject's of interest to you, check out Wordtracker's article on The creative content marketing explosion: and why you should be part of it

Wondering how to start organizing your social media campaigns? Here's a useful social media planner to help you do that Manage Social Media the Easy Way in 2013 [INFOGRAPHIC] (as spotted on TopRank)

Google Reader is to die in July. Here are a couple of articles on possible replacements for this very useful service (and news on where to sign the petition to keep the Google product):

Need a Google Reader Alternative? Meet Newsblur

Check out these Google Reader Alternatives

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