4 product page designs for higher ecommerce profit margins

Posted by Catherine Schwartz on 20 Jul, 2023
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Find out which designs work best, and why, for your various ecommerce product offerings.

Ecommerce page designs.

Product pages are the lifeblood of any ecommerce store. They’re where customers make their decisions about whether to buy a product or not. That’s why it’s so important for merchants to design their product pages in a way that maximizes profits and encourages purchases.

In this blog article, we will look at four different types of product page designs and how they can be used to increase profit margins. We will explore why each type works best with certain products, as well as discuss ways you can use them to maximize your ecommerce profits.

By the end of this article, you should have an understanding of which product page designs work best for different types of products and how you can leverage them to improve your bottom line.

Overview of product page design

When it comes to ecommerce, whether you're trying to understand what sells best on your eBay store or your own website, your product pages are your storefronts. They're the first point of contact between you and your customers, and they can make or break a sale. A well-designed product page can lead to higher conversion rates, more sales, and ultimately, more profits.

So, what does a good product page design look like? Firstly, it should be visually appealing and easy to navigate. The product should be the focal point, with high-quality images and detailed descriptions that highlight its features and benefits. The page should also be optimized for mobile devices since many shoppers use their smartphones to browse and make purchases.

In addition to aesthetics, a good product page should also provide social proof and trust signals. This can be achieved through customer reviews, product ratings, and badges that indicate secure payment processing and shipping guarantees. By showing potential customers that others have had positive experiences with your product, you're increasing the likelihood that they'll make a purchase.

Four different types of product page designs and how they work

Just like in fashion, there are many different types of product page designs. Here is a breakdown of four different product page styles and how they can be used to maximize ecommerce profits.

1. Single-product pages

As the name suggests, this type of page is meant for showcasing a single product in all its glory. This design is perfect for trending products that are unique or have a high price point. A single-product page emphasizes the details of the product and lets it shine on its own.

A great example is Apple’s new Vision Pro.

SIngle product page.

When designing a single-product page, it's essential to have high quality images and detailed descriptions. Potential buyers want to see what they're getting in detail, so clear and crisp product photos are a must. These images should be taken from different angles and show the product in use, making it easier for customers to visualize it in their lives.

In addition to visual content, the product's description should be detailed, informative, and engaging. Potential buyers want to know everything about the product, from its materials to its manufacture. Don't forget to include its unique selling points and benefits as well. Remember, a well informed customer is more likely to make a purchase.

Finally, take advantage of space on a single-product page to display reviews and testimonials from previous customers. Social proof is a powerful tool, and showcasing positive feedback can instill trust in potential buyers. They're more likely to buy from you if others have had a good experience before them.

2. Multi-product pages

Multi-product pages are perfect for online stores that sell a diverse range of products. This type of design usually features a main product or category, along with several other related products showcased in smaller images or boxes. For example, a clothing website might have a multi-product page for summer dresses. The main product would be a featured dress, while the related products might be accessories like sunglasses, sandals, and earrings.

One of the biggest benefits of this design is that it gives your customers the chance to browse related products without having to leave the main page. It also allows you to showcase a wider range of products, which could potentially increase your sales. Plus, if you offer bundle deals or promotions for purchasing multiple items, a multi-product page makes it easy to showcase those deals and encourage customers to make larger purchases.

However, it's important to keep the design clean and organized so that it doesn't become cluttered and overwhelming for your customers. Use high-quality images and minimal text to showcase the related products, and make sure they are clearly labeled and easy to navigate. You don't want your customers to feel confused or frustrated.

Here is an example of a multi-product page from REI, a sports outfitter. You can see that while the products are all biking-related, there are multiple related products advertised.

Multi-product pages.

3. Category pages

Category pages allow customers to easily browse through all the products in a particular category, such as shoes or electronics. These pages are especially important for larger ecommerce sites, as they help customers navigate through a high number of products.

So, how do you design a category page that maximizes profit margins? First and foremost, make sure that your category page is visually appealing and easy to navigate. Use high quality product images, clear descriptions, and filters to help customers find exactly what they're looking for.

Another key element of a successful category page is organization. Make sure that your products are organized into logical categories and subcategories, and employ user-friendly sorting options to help customers find the products they need quickly and easily.

It's also important to use your category page as an opportunity to showcase your best selling products and promotions. Consider featuring popular items at the top of the page, or offering discounts and free shipping on select products to draw customers in.

Here's a great category page from Vuori featuring Father's Day clothing in the Active Gifts sub category:


Category pages.

4. Featured product pages

So, what makes a featured product page different from a regular one? Well, for starters, it's all about the visuals. A featured product page will typically have larger, more eye-catching images (think 360 degree product photography) that showcase your product in all its glory. This is your chance to really wow your audience and make them want to buy.

Here's an example from Gymshark that uses different models and different poses so that the buyer can have a better idea of how the product might fit.

Featured products pages.

But it's not just about the visuals. A good featured product page will also include plenty of details and information about the product. This is where you can really sell the benefits and features of your product and convince your customers that this is the right choice for them.

One thing to keep in mind with featured product pages is that you don't want to overload your customers with too much information. Keep it concise and to the point, highlighting the most important features and benefits.

Another important aspect of featured product pages is the call to action. You want to make it as easy as possible for your customers to make a purchase, so make sure your call to action is prominent and easy to find. This could be a button that says "Add to Cart", "Buy Now", or even "Learn More". Whatever you choose, make sure it stands out on the page.

Finally, it's important to remember that featured product pages should be used strategically. You don't want to feature every single product on your website – that would defeat the purpose. Instead, choose your most important products, the ones that are going to generate the most revenue for your business.

Wrap up & closing thoughts

Designing effective product pages is essential for any successful ecommerce business. From single-product pages to multi-product and featured product pages, each design serves a unique purpose and can help boost your profit margins.

Ultimately, the key is to create pages that are visually appealing, informative, and easy to navigate. Use high quality images, engaging descriptions, and strategic calls to action to encourage customers to make a purchase. If you do it right, you'll be well on your way to higher profit margins.

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