The new keyword tool: projects, lists and drag and drop magic

Posted by Owen Powis on 2 Aug, 2016
View comments Wordtracker Tools
In my latest progress report, I'll outline how we're making projects and lists easier to use and working on a long-standing wish from many users.

new projects and lists

We’ve been working hard to create a far better system for maintaining lists within Wordtracker. This started with us sitting down and thinking about how we could revamp the way that lists were created and create a better experience for new users.

An obvious pain point was when someone new to Wordtracker logged in for the first time and went to save a list. This is the menu they see…

current projects and lists

It’s clear what you need to do when you understand the concept of how lists and projects work in the tool, but the trouble is you’ll need to create one first in order to do that. If you’re not sure what a button does you’re less likely to click it and so some people just didn’t get to that point.

The problem here is that you are trying to place a list straight into a hierarchy that requires too much information. You have to make sure the list is named and then has a named project to go into.

Our solution was to  allow lists to live outside projects. These ‘loose lists’ mean it’s no longer necessary to name a list and place it into a project all at once on creation. Now you can just hit save and feed all the keywords straight into an untitled list. We’re also looking at allowing the naming of a list during this process as well. It’s a case of balancing the smoothness of the workflow against not letting users get into a mess with too many un-named lists.

The next step is to create a way to better manage lists and projects, including creating a drag and drop action so loose lists can be quickly assigned to projects.

drag and drop

Bulk export

The next part we’re looking at with this is how to export all lists at once from within a project. Users have been asking us for a bulk export for a while. It just wasn’t possible in the current setup, but we’re aiming to implement it in the new interface.This will save clicking through and individually exporting every list one by one.

As always, please do let us know if you have any comments or questions - we’re taking on board as much feedback as possible as we develop the new tool.

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