The big data update - progress so far

Posted by Owen Powis on 1 Mar, 2016
View comments Wordtracker Tools
In case you hadn’t noticed we added some great new data sources into the tool. We've been listening to your feedback, so read on for updates and changes.

If the new data is news to you then head on over to my previous article on the subject.

This explains why we added in the new data and how it can help you succeed outside of the normal SEO channels.

We’re in the early stages with the new data and thanks to everyone who has been in touch. We’ve had some fantastic feedback so far and we’re continuing make improvements to ensure we provide the best possible service for our users.

As we continue to make improvement we’re responding to what our users tell us they want, so please do get in touch with us at with any comments, feedback or requests.

Whilst we will always respond to everyone individually, a couple of concerns have come up which it’s well worth sharing with everyone:

Where’s the SEMRush data?
SEMrush data has been replaced by Google data in the keywords tool so the way we get the data has changed, but the actual results are comparable. You can continue working in the same way with this source.

I’m not seeing countries for Google data /  error being thrown on search
This was a bug affecting certain browser/machine combinations. It’s always a hard one to spot in testing, especially when it only affects one feature in a very specific way. However, we’ve tracked it down and sorted it out. Thanks for bearing with us on this, and if you see any more issues of this nature, then please do get in touch.

Why can’t I search on multiple keywords for Google?
New limits were introduced because of the new way in which we now get this data. However, speaking to customers we realise that it’s a much valued feature, and that it’s about being able to generate volumes for large pre-existing lists rather than generating new huge lists with multiple seeds. With this in mind we limited the feature to exact search, and so have been able to  increase the limits way beyond what they were with the SEMRush data. You can now use the following numbers of seeds for exact searches in the Google data.

  • Bronze plan: 50
  • Silver plan: 500
  • Gold plan: 1000

We’re still working on getting the new keyword sources to be as useful as possible for you, and we want your help in continuing to do so. Of course if you see any bugs or errors please do report them back to us, but equally, if you have ideas for the tool, new data sources or just some insight you want to share please do drop us a line at

We’ll be bringing you some fantastic guides in partnership with market experts on how to utilise the new data over the coming weeks as well, so look out for these in our newsletter. Make sure you grab them whilst they are available as some will only be so for a limited time.


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