Amazon, YouTube and eBay keywords and search volumes. From Wordtracker.

Posted by Owen Powis on 9 Apr, 2019
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Ever wished you could get those elusive Amazon search volumes? Or see which products were most popular at what time of year on eBay? How about seeing exactly which terms get the most traction for your next YouTube video?

Within Wordtracker you can now see seasonal data broken down monthly for the past year for Amazon, YouTube and eBay. We have the searches and crucially, the volumes. Our data comes direct from a massive panel of users which is collected with permission.

Much like what the Google Keyword Planner does, we take the sample data and scale it up. The boiled down version of how we do this is by matching the total visits we have for each with the total visits reported on each platform. Our process gives us a volume we are confident is representative for our searches.

Using the data

You’ll find the new data sources within the keyword tool under the ‘Search with’ drop down. You’ll see the new Google Raw data is also available from here. From there you can select the data you want and just start searching.

But the tool isn’t the only place that the data is available from. If you want bulk data why not take a look at the Wordtracker API 2.0? You’ll be given access to the same lightning fast API we use to power Wordtracker.


You can find out not only which keywords are the most popular, but also what time of year they are most in demand. For instance, the most popular how to video type in YouTube how to tie a tie is most in demand in August. Of course, when all the students start back at school.

Being able to see this data gives you a massive competitive edge. You don’t need to try and guess what type of video is the most popular, or what the most looked for type of how to is, or even when. Now you can just look it up and find out.

This goes for Amazon and eBay products as well. There's a wealth of data available in the Wordtracker keyword tool which the competition simply doesn’t have access to. And now you do. So start diving into the data and see how you can convert our data into your product and video success.

If you have any examples of how you're using the new data, or questions, please let us know in the comments. We’re going to be doing a series of ‘deep dive’ articles in the coming weeks, picking out some key insights.

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