Wordtracker welcomes Saby Salvatierra, our new digital marketer

Posted by Hal MacDermot on 12 Sep, 2013
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Wordtracker welcomes Saby Salvatierra to the marketing team

Sparkling with creativity and digital savvy, our new digital marketer, Saby, comes to Wordtracker fresh out of University. She has a degree in PR and Communications, lives and breathes the social media, is a keen blogger, and after a recent move to London is taking the city by storm.

When Saby Salvatierra (a Chilean family name which means ‘save the land’) is not immersed in digital, she can be found practising her passion for Dance, or watching the latest “Law and Order: Special Victims Unit." or "Broadchurch." You can find Saby on @sabyaurora.

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