Wordtracker: Dawn of a new era

Posted by Julie McNamee on 28 May, 2013
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Wordtracker: new data, and a new site

We're very, very excited at Wordtracker. New data's coming: around 3 billion searches worth. And our website is being given a makeover. Here's a sneak preview at the kind of thing you'll be seeing very shortly.

In a week's time, here's what you'll be seeing on the Wordtracker website:

Coffee search bar

You'll enter a keyword related to your or your client's industry into the search bar, like coffee in the image above.

Click the search icon and Wordtracker will give you lots of keyword ideas that you can use to attract new customers and discover new markets. You'll also be able to see how much competition there is for those keywords and sort them accordingly.

Coffee search results - new Wordtracker data

Here's another example

Let's say you're in the health food business.

You're looking for keywords that include the word nutrition:

Nutrition search bar

Here's a small selection of the keyword data Wordtracker produces for nutrition:

Nutrition search results - new Wordtracker data

These are just a fraction of the valuable, high-performing keywords you can use on your website.

So what's that going to mean for your business?

Whether you're an agency, a business owner, a web marketer or a blogger, new improved Wordtracker will be giving you even more keyword results from an enormous pool of data.

All you'll need to do is use that information to find yourself a new market niche and attract targeted profitable traffic to your site

That isn't all we have for you

We can't wait to show you our new Scout browser app: it's a small tool with big ideas. With Scout, you'll be able to discover all the keywords used on any web page you like. Just imagine what uses you'll find for that.

We'll be letting you have more details on the new Scout tool next week.

We hope you're as excited as we are, but if you have any queries in the meantime, post them below or contact support@wordtracker.com

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