Good Eggs: Wordtracker's weekly SEO round-up (Week ending January 24th, 2013)

Posted by Julie McNamee on 24 Jan, 2013
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Good Eggs: Wordtracker's weekly SEO round-up by Wordtracker, the leading keyword research tool

This week's round-up of our favorite SEO-related articles features advice on planning SEO strategies, getting your ecommerce site noticed, how miserable we are when we've been on Facebook, and more ...

In Author Rank, Popularity, Authority, Social, Ranking? What's the Tie? Doc Sheldon on Search Engine Watch tries to get inside the mind of Google.

How does a small ecommerce site get noticed when Amazon and Google's paid advertising take up so much SERPs space? 7 eCommerce SEO Tips for 2013 Pratik Dholakiya gives some good advice on getting your own products sold.

Google+ Communities is a relatively new feature. Lilach Bullock gives some advice on how to harness it to help your own networking efforts. Everything you need to know about Google+ Communities

Want to find out about the SOSTAC Planning Model? Here's all you need to know. How to Devise Your SEO Strategy The Easy Way - With a Planning Template

There's more planning involved in this next article, I'm afraid: 25 Questions to Ask When Executing B2B Content Marketing Campaigns

Majestic SEO have so much valuable data they don't know what to do with it. Help them out: Big Data! What On Earth Should Majestic Do With It All?

You have to wonder why we still use Facebook after reading this article by Cynthia Boris Study Shows Many Facebook Visitors Come Away Feeling Frustrated, Envious and Unloved

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