Good Eggs: Wordtracker's weekly SEO round-up, 10 July 2013

Posted by Julie McNamee on 10 Jul, 2013
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Discover the best SEO-related articles from the week ending 10 July 2013.

User intent in keyword research, the anatomy of a Google SERPs page and Facebook privacy feature in this week's SEO-related articles round-up.


By considering what stage searchers are at in the buying process you can provide more value as well as increase clickthroughs and sales. @ProvenRankings explains. Why Your Keyword Strategy Is Incomplete Without User Intent

Marketers and businesses are missing out on a great opportunity if they don't consider Bing when it comes to their SEO and marketing campaigns. By @SeoLair via @sewatch: How to Dominate the Entire First Page of Bing

Google's search engine ranking pages aren't just a list of links and summaries these days. Find out when, why and how the SERPs change in relation to what you're looking for. @JeremyRiveraSEO via @AuthorityLabs: Understanding the SERPs in 2013

@vanessafox gives advice on how to make mobile users happy in The Definitive Guide to Mobile SEO on @sengineland

How We Increased Organic Blog Traffic by 203.5% in Less Than 3 Months – And You Can Too by @allenkristina is a guest post on @problogger that explains how a real company grew their organic traffic in a short space of time.

Facebook users are often unaware how public their comments and images are. Read this to find out How to Lock Down Facebook Privacy by @amymaeelliott via @mashable

@LeeOdden advises how to guard against the vagaries of the Google algorithmic updates in Break Free of Old SEO & Become the Best Answer for Prospects, Customers & Media

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