Good Eggs: Wordtracker's weekly SEO round-up (Week ending April 18, 2013)

Posted by Julie McNamee on 17 Apr, 2013
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Articles on helping you share your great content, Google-induced image SEO results, and experiment driven web publishing feature in this week's blog post from Wordtracker.

Getting shared is the theme of many of this week's SEO-related articles, plus articles on Google changes that have had disastrous consequences for image SEO, and experiment driven web publishing.

Good egg

Google changed how they presented images in their search results back in January, and it seems that it's been causing difficulties for sites that rely on images to create traffic. The evidence is presented by Shahzad of Define Media Group in How Google’s Image Search Update Killed Image SEO

It can be a struggle to get your Facebook posts seen, never mind shared by your followers. Here's a quite involved but very interesting system developed by @Jon_PTDC on ProBlogger The Wave System: How to Get Your Facebook Page Updates Seen By More People

There's no need to guess if your website is working for your visitors: test, test test and you'll have some concrete evidence. Read this article on Experiment Driven Web Publishing to get started. By @peterdavanzo on SEO Book.

Writing your excellent and engaging content is just the start of circulating it to as large an audience as possible. Here are some strategies to follow once it's out there: How I promote my new blog posts by @SocialMediaHats

We're not all lucky enough to work in "sexy" industries. If the product you're writing about seems less than scintillating, have a read of this: How to Write Interesting Content for a “Boring” Topic

For some great advice on how to connect with people and hopefully get your stuff shared, read this by @ericward on Search Engine Land

So you've changed your page title, but Google's still using the old one! Here's an explanation and some advice by @yoast in Why Google won’t display the right page title

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