Good Eggs: Wordtracker's weekly SEO round-up (Week ending February 7th, 2013)

Posted by Julie McNamee on 6 Feb, 2013
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Good Eggs: Wordtracker's weekly SEO round-up from Wordtracker, the leading keyword research tool

This week's round-up of our favorite SEO-related articles includes a feast of tips for online success by those in the know, ways to unlock Google Analytics' "not provided" keywords and a look at the best Super Bowl newsjackers.

Good egg

SEO brainbot Will Critchlow steps back from the day job to think about where the internet is going: Internet Trends for Marketers

There’s lots of hokum written about link building. Here are three myths that deserve debunking: The Link Shrink Is In: 3 More Crazy Assumptions About Linking

101 Experts Share Their Tips for Online Success is an immense list of pointers from many well-respected and successful internet marketers. Well done Mauro D'Andrea for putting it together.

There's yet another indication that Google will be placing more and more importance on authorship in future. WebProNews reports. Eric Schmidt Ties Search Rankings To Verified Profiles In Upcoming Book

Aren't those "not provided" keyword figures on Google Analytics annoying? Claire Broadley's post on Kissmetrics suggests some ways to find out what they are. How to Unlock Your ‘Not Provided’ Keywords in Google Analytics

Oreo weren't the only winners when it came to piggybacking the Super Bowl power failure. Here are 10 examples of very quick thinking to use as inspiration for your own social media campaigns: 10 Innovative Social Media Newsjacks of the Super Bowl Power Outage

There are some excellent tips on raising getting your blog to do what it's supposed to in this ProBlogger article by Jarom Adair: Little-Known Strategies To Get Your Deadbeat Blog Working For You

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