The new keyword tool: progress report

Posted by Owen Powis on 26 Jul, 2016
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Thanks to everyone who responded to our article last week, for their feedback. As there was a lot of interest in just what we’re doing I’m starting a weekly progress report to show how the development is coming along.

Filters, lists and layouts

We’ve been working hard to create a better layout for the new keyword tool. If you're wondering what that is here's my previous post all about creating a Google keyword planner replacement.

The Layout

Our initial thoughts were to take the existing tool and add new functionality into this. However, the further we got into this process the more we realised we needed to think a little differently.

We wireframed out a new approach instead which incorporated the new features we wanted for the tool, as well as making better use of the data we had.

We're aiming to create three key areas:

The search area at the top where you can enter an individual or list of keywords and then refine down as needed. This is where you can pick the main data source you wish to use and create options for location and timeframe.

The next area is the keyword specific data, where you can gain a quick topline understanding of a keyword to know if it’s worth pursuing. Often I find myself wanting quick data or information about a term, like when I’m creating title tags and working out the best variation or combination of keywords.

In the third section we supply the in-depth keyword data. This is where you can refine via filters or export to CSV. We’ve chosen to display data from several sources side by side, giving even more context to the available information.

Our aim is to provide, with one search, a complete understanding of a keyword and the market that it sits within. A powerful tool not just for SEO + PPC but for market insight as well.

Refining keywords

We’re currently working on creating filters that are going to sit within the main keyword data. Much like in the current tool we are going to use sliders to refine the keyword data.

We're aiming to make this update dynamically, meaning you won’t need to reload the page.

Searching for a new keyword will not remove the filters. Looking at the way the current tool is used it makes sense to set up your filters and then go from there. Having to reapply them with every new search just slows down the process.

This also means they can be tweaked and used to progressively narrow down on the correct combination over successive searches. Once you’ve found the ‘sweet spot’ you can then keep searching with those filters.

Lists and projects

The current process for creating new lists and projects is problematic as you get hit with a form that provides a bit of visual overload. The actual process works very well and they are easy to manage, but for new users it’s a bit overwhelming.

We've been looking at simplifying the overall process and introducing the concept of ‘loose lists’, where you don’t have to initially specify a project, but rather save a list and then come back to place it in a project if you need.

We’ve taken some inspiration from how the files and folders work in Google drive.

Files can be created ‘loose’ or placed within a folder.

This makes it much simpler initially to create the file ( or in our case, list), and then manage it as you need.


This coming week we’ll be looking at how easy it will be to implement drag and drop to manage and organise lists, as well as what we want the initial list creation process to be, bearing in mind we want to visually simplify this for new users.

This is what we are working on right now, so if you have any comments or ideas now is the time to let us know! So please do get in touch either directly or via the comments below.

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