Stuff we like - 22nd August 2013

Posted by Hal MacDermot on 22 Aug, 2013
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Read the roundup of stuf we like in the Wordtracker office - news, blogs, apps, resources - find out what we like on the Internet.

Welcome to our new weekly feature Stuff we like. Read about the trending stories and latest cool resources that rock the world of our Wordtracker staff.

Stuff we like is all about the stories, resources and Apps that we’ve been reading about/trying out/exploring here in the Wordtracker office.

If a story or cool resource caused one of our busy Developers to hit the Share button or start up a conversation around the water-cooler, it may well find a place in Stuff we like.

This week, we did enjoy, perhaps wrongly, the big Facebook news about Mark Zuckerberg’s private wall getting hacked by Khalil Shreateh, an unemployed computer geek on the West Bank. Apparently he first tried to warn Facebook engineers of the bug he’s discovered, but they didn’t believe him. So Khalil proved it – and he’s subsequently been offered several jobs.

The TV series Breaking Bad has several devoted followers here in the office. So although a review of season 5, episode 10 on Boing Boing, may seem obscure to you, we consider it important. Yes spoilers.

How important is Google to you and to the Internet? Well, Google went down for a couple of minutes last week and it turns out that caused global traffic to tumble by 40%. When Google sneezes, the web catches cold? Don’t forget to take your vitamins.

What with it being summer, my pal Mal pointed me yesterday in the direction of a timely piece over at the Econsultancy site “Five ways to boost conversions this summer.” Useful hot tips.

Finally this week, for all of you excited by last Monday’s US release of the 6.3 inch Samsung Galaxy Mega, you may well be interested (we were) by news that Samsung will unveil their new smart watch to the world this September. Hope that’s not 6.3 inches too.

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