What Keywords Bring Traffic to a Keyword Research Tool?

Posted by Wordtracker on 12 Jan, 2011
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A quick look at what gets Wordtracker organic search traffic

by Mal Darwen

Inspired by Lyndon Antcliff's blog post about which keywords bring organic search traffic to his site, I thought I'd take a quick look at which keywords brought traffic to Wordtracker.

There aren't any real surprises there - heavy on our brand name (the larger words brought more traffic), and many searches for our free tools (everybody wants a freebie, right?). But the image also shows that the site is doing its job in SEO terms - bringing healthy search traffic for terms like 'keyword tool', 'keyword tracker' and 'long tail keywords' (ok, that one is smaller, but it's there, plugging away for us).

Have you looked at which keywords are bringing the most traffic to your site recently? It's really easy to see the keywords in your Google Analytics account if you have this installed on your site, but it's really really easy to track your keywords and keyword niches if you're using the Strategizer tool to draw the keyword data from Google Analytics.

So, perhaps the start of a new year is a great time to revisit your keyword strategies, or perhaps to dust off your Analytics account and get it working harder for you. And if you'd like to share your top keywords like this too, the good people at Wordle make it very easy to generate word clouds like the one above (hint look for the 'Advanced' tab at the right of their navigation bar). You could even link to them in the comments section below here!

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