Need a powerful keyword search API?

Posted by Hal MacDermot on 11 Sep, 2013
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Want to see the API in action now? Well come on down, we invite you to check out our API

Looking for unfiltered access to a giant and unbiased keyword database? Need a powerful, cutting-edge API that puts you in the driving seat and not at the back of the bus? Hungry for the power to run your tools and applications exactly how you want to, not how your data-supply company dictates?

Welcome to Wordtracker’s awesome new API!

The new Wordtracker API delivers unfiltered access to a huge database, processing 3.5 billion searches per month. That’s about 350 million unique keywords, and growing. Not only that, but our new API offers segmentation by time, and across 194 countries.

The commercial possibilities are only as big as your own imagination. Here’s a few of the ways you could use the API:

  • Measure the search impact of this summer’s advertising campaign by brand campaign keywords.
  • Track search progress for a specific product over time, across multiple countries.
  • Understand the products and services people look for in specific holiday periods.

Want to see the API in action? The sign up process couldn’t be simpler.

When you sign up for a new account, the approval process takes about a day, and then you're on the free plan to start out. We want to give everyone a chance to check out the API before choosing their subscription plan.

Once you’re on the free plan, you get to make 30 calls per month, and 20 of those can be in a single hour. The free plan is only for internal use and testing, but each call can still return up to 2000 results.

Want to shift up a gear? Try our Entry level plan and now you’ve got an impressive boost up to 1000 calls, throttled at 100 per hour. Entry level is a solid plan, and now you’re ready to really start powering up your tools and applications. It’s time for the top gears. Welcome to our Regular pricing plan, at US$ 499 per month with 10000 calls, and with no limits at all on hourly throttle.The Regular plan is where the world and the real opportunities in this data really open really up for you. Ready to take your API usage up right up to the max? No problem at all. Our Enterprise rate offers you unlimited calls over the whole month. As much data as you want, as fast as you need it.

All paid plans offer a raft of flexible pricing options to match your needs and make the best use of metrics like Competition, KEI, IAAT and more.

To find out detailed information on the API’s features check out the API documentation and for full details on pricing and plans, visit our API page

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