SEO articles not to be missed from 2014

Posted by Jo Cameron on 30 Dec, 2014
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The best internet marketing articles of 2014.

This year has seen some big changes in the world of SEO. Here at Wordtracker HQ we’ve had a marvellous time following the news and feverishly posting to our blog and academy

At the start of the year Amanda DiSilvestro revealed some interesting Twitter updates. we also witnessed a big (although blink and you might have missed it) layout shuffle that repositioned the Twitter status field.

Twitter updates

Google updates have been peddled out continuously, and while Matt Cutts, Google's (ex) webspam lightning rod, has been on extended (indefinite) leave the updates roll on.

Jenn Horowitz took us behind the curtain to see the ins and outs of how to survive and thrive after a hit from Google. Given 20-20 hindsight or a time machine perhaps some of us may have taken heed of Kunle Campbell’s article on how to avoid a penguin penalty.

penguin google update

Sometimes a hit from the big search engines isn’t a concern as much as getting your blog noticed at all. Saby Salvatierra polished up some often overlooked basics, a must read for any bloggers out there.

get your blog noticed

If you want to know what the experts are up to when it comes to link building Loz James’ article does not disappoint. The top 3 techniques from the top 33 SEO experts will keep you busy well into the new year. Mal Darwen also covered this vast topic in infographic form for the visual learners out there.

link building from the experts

Sharing the knowledge we’ve learned ourselves Wordtracker CEO, Owen Powis, discusses in detail email marketing newsletters - why you should be doing it, and how to do it really, really well.

email marketing

To wrap up the year Kostas Chiotis explained on how to provide the Google Hummingbird algorithm with tasty content that will boost your rankings. And like an early xmas parcel Jenn Horowitz gave us 34 inspiring ideas to get you writing great, regular content on your site.

Hummingbird Google algorithm

We hope you’ve had as much fun as we have had this year.

Get your pens and pads positioned for 2015 as we bring you more of the latest in SEO and SEM news.

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