Wordtracker's plans for 2011

Posted by Justin Deaville on 21 Jan, 2011
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Wordtracker offers Keyword Research tools for SEO and PPC, Rank Tracking and Site Analysis tools. Start a Free Trial today to get $136 of SEO books and videos

For the past 12 years, Wordtracker has been run by its founders, Mike and Andy Mindel. From today, the brothers will be moving away from day-to-day management to concentrate on their other business interests.

They've asked me, Justin Deaville, to take over as chief executive, which I'm extremely happy to do.

Future plans for SEO and PPC

We're still in the midst of planning for the year ahead, but I wanted to share some initial thoughts.

It's no secret that our aim is to build a suite of tools that make online marketing quicker and easier.

In 2010 we launched two new products:

  • Link Builder, which helps you build links to boost your search engine rankings; and

  • Strategizer, which helps you generate greater profits from your PPC and SEO campaigns

We'll be adding improvements to those tools - and our Keywords tool - throughout this year. So, if you've ideas for features that you'd like to see, please let us know.

Over the next few months, we'll also be developing and launching Creative PPC. As the name suggests, it's a tool that will help you set up fantastic pay per click campaigns in just a few minutes.

More developments

To tackle all that work, we'll be expanding our excellent development team. Steven Shingler, our CTO, will soon be advertising for an experienced Ruby developer. Please get in touch @wordtrackertech if you'd like to know more.

More search marketing advice

We will continue to write and speak about search optimization, effective link building and pay per click advertising in our online marketing Academy.

In February, our CMO, Ken McGaffin, will be talking at SES London on "How to Become a Link Magnet". He's a great speaker, well worth catching (and you can get a 20% discount on a ticket when using this code: WDT20). Our editor, Mark Nunney, will also be at SES - sign up to our newsletter to follow his coverage.

We've plans for more books and we'll be expanding the number of free webinars we offer (if you're new to Wordtracker, we run regular sessions about keywords and keyword research and link building.

Get in touch

I'm really excited about the months ahead and will follow up soon with more detail on our plans. In the meantime, if you've any thoughts or questions, I'd love to hear from you.

You can follow me, Justin Deaville on LinkedIn, or Twitter.

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