Essential social media image size guide 2015 [Infographic]

Posted by Jo Cameron on 13 Jan, 2015
View comments Social Media
Each social network is designed to display your images in a different format. Before you start uploading cover photos, profile pictures and sharing content it helps to understand the size requirements of each network.

This guide, from the team at, is invaluable if you're in the process of updating your images across several networks, or if you're setting up new profiles for Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, YouTube or LinkedIn. In fact, it's even quite handy to go through if you've not made any huge changes to your logo or visuals. Checking how your audience views your social profiles can help you locate any funny little glitches you may not have spotted.

At Wordtracker we went through this process quite recently when we updated our visual aesthetic from primary blue to black. We wanted some consistency between the networks and our website, but we also wanted to create images that worked best for each platform.

Pinterest is pretty straight forward, just a little profile images, which is a "W" for us.

Our Twitter profile uses the same black background with grey writing you'll see on our homepage, which also features in various formats on LinkedInFacebook and G+.

The one to look out for is the YouTube channel cover image which needs to be 2560 x 1440 to display on TV screens. On desktop or mobile it looks like a thin banner.

I hope you find this infographic useful, and it helps you to get your social profiles looking their best!

Have you seen any inspiring social media profiles recently, let us know in the comments below!


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