33 LinkedIn tips from the experts [Infographic]

Posted by Jo Cameron on 23 Mar, 2015
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Learn how to get the most out of LinkedIn with these 33 bite sized tips.

Are you using LinkedIn to its full potential? Last year they took moves towards encouraging user generated content and regular user interaction by extended their publishing capabilities for users, and purchasing the news app Pulse.

The benefit to being more vocal on LinkedIn is that you're building your own personal brand. Even if you're not looking for a new job you're positioning yourself as an authority within your industry.

The tips in this infographic cover everything from how to skip the "how do you know this person" step when connecting, to scheduling your time on LinkedIn wisely. We don't need another time absorber so we now? So you can get the most out of LinkedIn - and you can tweet the tip givers if you so fancy. 

Many thanks to Ethos3 for these fantastic tips.

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