Three key steps to SEO success

Posted by Justin Deaville on 8 Jun, 2011
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Wordtracker's Strategizer tool can take you to SEO success in just three steps

The easiest and most effective way to approach SEO is to target groups of keywords you know will bring your site the best returns.

This simple approach has been at the heart of the SEO practised by Wordtracker's editor and SEO consultant, Mark Nunney, for 10 years. Here are the three steps:

1)  Targets. Find your target keywords
2)  Actions. Plan your actions for SEO and PPC
3)  Results. Monitor and report your results

Here's a brief look at each of those ...

1)  Targets. Find your target keywords

Find your most responsive target keyword niches, including:

  • short term targets that will generate instant cash
  • long term targets that will help you grow your business over the next few years

Too many people waste time and energy targeting keywords that they have little hope of ranking for or getting subsequent response from.

Wordtracker's Keywords tool helps you target the groups of keywords (keyword niches) you know will bring you the most return.

2)  Actions. Plan your actions

Once you've pinpointed your target keyword niches, what work do you need to do to get results?

Should you create a new page on your site? Or should you create a whole new category of pages? Should you invest in link building or not?

3)  Results. Monitor and report your results

You've invested in SEO. You've created lots of great content. You've spent $$$s on link building. That's great but, how much success have you had?

Make sure you track that with Google Analytics

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