SEO Snippets - direct answers to SEO questions from Google

Posted by Edith MacLeod on 3 Apr, 2018
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The short videos are hosted by Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller and provide quick, explanatory answers to common questions.

John Mueller

Are you watching Google’s SEO Snippets channel on YouTube? Launched last December it aims to provide answers for the most frequently asked questions about SEO.  

The videos are around the 2-min mark or just under, so a quick view. There are 11 up so far and titles include:

Subdomain or subfolder, which is better for SEO?

Why does the indexed pages count vary?

My site’s template has multiple H1 tags

How do I regain ownership of a Search Console property?

Can my urls use non-English words?

You can see the whole series on YouTube.

To submit a question, follow Google webmasters on Twitter and watch out for an announcement when they’re taking new questions:

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