Perfect SEO page structure

Posted by Jo Cameron on 17 Dec, 2014
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With a few simple on-page SEO ingredients your lovely blog post won't be left floating out there without readers to share and enjoy it.

perfect seo page structure

Thanks to Neil Patel at Quicksprout for todays infographic which is designed to help you get a big thumbs up from your visitors and search engines.

The perfect SEO page structure can be achieved easily by follow these tips:

-Check your URL does your page justice, is it clear from a glance this page is relevant - and does it have 3-5 words? We published a great post last week on optimising URLs to maximise clicks.

-Optimising your title is easy, just include your keyword, limit to 55 characters and stick it in a H1 tag.

-Keep your readers interested with relevant images that pop. Use images to help tell the story and encourage readers to share. Make sure you've correctly named the image file, and image alt tag, use your keyword where relevant. Reduce the size of large images so you don't slow down your site.

-Link to authoritative sites that are relevant to the story, this helps to inform your readers and it's a nice nod to Google as well. Also link internally within your site (like I've done above!).

Related keywords

-Use your keyword in the first 100-150 words of your content, then go on to use other related words. Write 500-2000 words depending on your topic, but don't stuff in any keywords or skimp on quality.

-Look at using responsive design to minimize bounces from mobile devices.



Let us know what other techniques you use to optimise your pages.

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