Quarter by quarter: Top ten most read articles Jan-Mar 2013

Posted by Julie McNamee on 2 Apr, 2013
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The Wordtracker Academy most-read articles for the first quarter of 2013. Find out what everyone wants to know about SEO.

In case you've missed any of the guides or articles in the Wordtracker Academy, here's a list of 10 of the most read over the past three months (January - March 2013)

Google Panda

1) This one has been popular for a while now, which means that people are still concerned about how Google's algorithms have affected their businesses, or might affect them in future. Read our advice in the Google Panda update survival guide

2) This one's an invaluable resource for all those who realize link building is essential to getting their site seen and ranked. 59 lists you really must have to build links

3) Another Google algorithm article. If you've been hit by any of their updates, have a read of this: Venice. Penguin. Panda. Are Google’s changes leaving you behind?

4) SES London is always a great resource of SEO tips to get you through the year. And it's been no less useful this year: SES London 2013: 214 Top tips and takeaways

5) All our LinkedIn resources are available in the LinkedIn section of the Wordtracker Academy. Whether you're just about to set up a personal or business page, or need to know how this social media platform can help your business, it's the place to start.

6) The free WordPress content management system is massive and growing, and it's a great choice for creating a blog or website that can be easily maintained. Here are the first important steps to take when setting up your WordPress site. How to set up a WordPress website

7) Top 10 SEO content writing tips everyone should know was published in 2010, but it's still very popular, mostly because these tips are still relevant.

8) A key part of local search optimization is the creation of microdata or rich snippets to help the search engines understand what you're talking about. If you don't know what these snippets are, or how to go about adding them to your site, read Rich snippets for idiots. And, er, you.

How to set up WordPress

9) If you're thinking about creating a website, or not sure why your site isn't being ranked or visited, it's useful to know the basics on how search engines like Google work. This article explains everything: Keyword Basics Part 1: How search engines work

10) Our final entry in the most-visited for the first quarter of 2013 is a generous list of 30 ways of improving your customers' shopping experience on your website. This is crucial if you want them to buy more from you. 30 reasons your customers aren't buying: How to optimize your shopping cart

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