Google launches new Page Experience report for desktop

Posted by Edith MacLeod on 19 Jan, 2022
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Siteowners can now check performance ahead of the scheduled rollout of Page Experience to desktop.

Page Experience desktop report.

Google announced in a tweet this week that it has launched a new Page Experience report specifically for desktop in Search Console.  Page Experience is due to be extended to desktop in February, so this is a useful tool you can use to see how your URLs stack up against the Page Experience ranking signals.

To access the report log into your Search Console and click on Page Experience. The report now has dedicated sections for mobile and desktop and you can drill down into individual URLs and to see how you can improve performance for the page.

A reminder: the factors which feed into Page Experience are the following:

Page Experience factors.

The same three Core Web Vitals metrics ( LCP, FID, and CLS), and their associated thresholds apply for desktop ranking as for mobile.

The Page Experience update was rolled out to mobile last June. It will start rolling out to desktop will start in February and Google says will be completed by the end of March.

Before the mobile rollout, which started in June, Google moved to calm worries, reassuring siteowners that they shouldn’t panic if their site wasn’t completely ready.  Google’s Martin Splitt said it wasn’t a case of dropping everything to focus on Core Web Vitals now, but more a matter of factoring in the work going forward.

So there may not be a huge impact immediately from the rollout, but Google definitely advises that you should ensure your pages are up to scratch, and is providing the resources to help you do so.

For further information see:

Search Console help on the Page Experience report.

Google’s FAQ on the Core Web Vitals and Page Experience.

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