Google Search Console: report updates

Posted by Edith MacLeod on 18 May, 2022
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More desktop search features tracked in Page Experience report and a new Video page indexing report.

Search Console updates.

Image source: Unsplash

Google is now logging impressions in the Page Experience report for additional desktop features such as Top Stories.  

The information was published in Search Console Help, under the ‘Data anomalies’ section, which is where Google communicates Search Console changes that could affect your report data.

The change means you may see an increase in desktop impressions in certain performance reports when filtering by the “Good Page Experience” search appearance.  However, it doesn’t represent an increase in total impressions, only a re-labelling of already counted impressions.

Here’s the announcement in full from 13 May:

“Search Console now logs impressions in the Page Experience report for additional desktop features, such as Top Stories. As a result, you may see an increase in your desktop impressions in the Page Experience report, as well as in the Search and News performance reports when filtering by the "Good Page Experience" search appearance. This doesn't represent an increase in total impressions, but only a re-labeling of known and counted impressions.”

There was some confusion initially around the announcement, but Google’s John Mueller tweeted to clarify that this related just to impressions in the Page Experience report.

New Video page indexing report

Google has also announced a new set of reports and tools for video in Search Console.

The Video page indexing report will help you identify and fix issues with videos which were discovered but not indexed by Google while crawling your site. You will then be able to validate the fix with Google for a recrawl of the affected page.

Video report.

Google said the new report would be launching soon. 

For more details see Google’s video announcement.

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