Google's new goal-optimized Shopping campaigns use AI to drive conversion value

Posted by Wordtracker on 8 May, 2018
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The new Shopping campaigns combine Shopping and display remarketing campaigns to deliver ads across Google’s entire suite of sites and networks.

Google Shopping

Google has announced the creation of a new goal-optimized Shopping campaign type, using automation and machine learning to maximize conversion value.  

In a blog post Google said its systems would “ evaluate all available signals and use machine learning to predict the likelihood of a search query to convert so you can make the most of your budget across networks, products, and audiences.”

For example, if a user’s conversion value is defined as “revenue,” the goal-optimized campaign type will automatically optimize across networks to maximize “revenue” based on the user’s budget constraints.

The new Shopping campaign type will combine into one campaign the channels previously available through separate Shopping and display remarketing campaigns, allowing users to  maximize reach and simplify campaign management.

Ads will be delivered across Google properties and networks, so will show on, the Google Search Network, the Google Display Network, YouTube, and Gmail.

cross network

Google says users will no longer need to manage separate Shopping and display remarketing campaigns but will just need to add products into the new goal-optimized campaign type, which will automatically optimize bids, identify the right audiences and determine where ads show to maximize conversion value.

New Shopping campaign type

The new campaign type is being rolled out in AdWords over the next few weeks.

You can learn more about how it works and what you need to get set up in Google’s help page.


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