The psychology of the perfect marketing video [infographic]

Posted by Wordtracker on 26 Feb, 2018
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Capture the attention quickly - we have the attention span of a goldfish. Read on for the key areas to make your marketing video a success.

What does it take to make the perfect marketing video? Well, your brain filters out predictable or irrelevant information, so above all you've got to make sure your video doesn't fall into either of those categories.

Capture the attention from the get-go to avoid that goldfish effect, keep it short and simple, and harness emotion - storytelling is all. 

Make use of multimedia elements - "If a picture's worth a thousand words, a video's worth a million" - and last but not least, finish with a strong CTA.

Eplainify's infographic gives more detail in attractive and attention grabbing visual style.


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