5 fatal mobile marketing mistakes to avoid [Infographic]

Posted by Jo Cameron on 25 Feb, 2015
View comments Marketing
Five blunders that could be negatively affecting your mobile marketing strategy.

Marketing to mobile users, whether it's smart phones of tablets is becoming more and more vital to online businesses.

It is anticipated that by 2017 there will be over 10 billion connected mobile devices. And in July last year it was determined that almost half of UK consumers make their primary purchase decisions on a mobile device.

So it's worth reviewing these 5 possible reasons why your mobile marketing strategy isn't performing.

5 reasons why your mobile strategy isn't working

1. Getting shoppers to access your app stops them from shopping around! 46% of shoppers are less likely to look for other options when they are using a company's mobile app. So you're getting your customers' attention in a very significant way.

Not optimizing for tablets, too

2. Tablets are being purchased at a huge rate and this trend is projected to continue. Optimize your site for all the available technology and check your Google analytics to see which device most of your visitors are using.

A poor call to action

3. Don't miss out on valuable conversions with poorly worded buttons. Make sure it's clear what the visitor will achieve when they click through a strong call to action.

missing form autofill

4. The dreaded form turns any mobile user's stomach, 64% of mobile users will walk away from a form, and 77% prefer social logins over passwords.

Too much content

5. Screen real estate is tight on mobile devices so make sure the most important content is clear and visible at the top of the page.

footer with sources thanks to www.formstack.com

Many thanks to Formstack for this great infographic. I hope you've found it useful. Please do let us know what you're planning to do to attract mobile visitors to your site.

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