Data-driven customer service tips [infographic]

Posted by Wordtracker on 31 Dec, 2018
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The speed of today's communications have caused a corresponding rise in customer service expectations. It's crucial for your business to get this right, or users will simply go elsewhere.

It can be hard for small businesses to compete with industry giants. Generating widespread brand awareness can cost millions of dollars. Mega-corporations such as Apple or Nike may be able to finance large-scale campaigns without batting an eye at the financial impact. But, what can the startups or underdogs do to reach and keep their audience?

Personalized communication is a good start. This is something that small business owners themselves can facilitate while large companies struggle due to their colossal user base. Speaking with a customer, sending messages from humans (versus auto-replies), and personally working to resolve someone’s problem are all things that can launch your business above big brands with regard to customer service satisfaction.

Because of the extensive adoption of technology in business, customer service has never been more important. In fact, it was nearly unheard of to have a customer service department a few decades ago. Technology has made communication easy and, in some cases, instantaneous. It is this reason that younger generations like millennials are demanding more of customer service.

SMS messages, emails, and other push notifications pop up just seconds after they’re sent. Such a fast transferral of information shortens our patience and attention span. That’s why when there’s a problem, many of us expect it to be resolved promptly. Not doing so can result in unfavorable reviews and comments blasted across social media.

Well-managed customer service has become crucial to businesses, no matter their size. Smart technology allows brands to drive engagement with their consumers in a competitive atmosphere. However, taking the extra step to personalize communication and customer service interactions can make a world of difference.

Customers want to feel valued and appreciated, and businesses understand this. That’s why we receive messages thanking us for our patronage and loyal customers get extra benefits. However, personally contacting your consumer versus sending an automatic “Thank you!” reply can convert someone to your brand, and even make them loyal.

Human interaction and personalization are just fragments of good customer service. The infographic below from Nextiva contains data-driven statistics and tips that can help you and your company finetune customer services practices.

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