Abandoned cart emails - the best tricks, tips and examples [infographic]

Posted by Wordtracker on 11 Jun, 2018
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Customers who fail to complete online purchases can be turned around with an effective cart abandonment email campaign.

Did you know that shoppers abandon their online carts more often than they complete their purchases?

Many reasons can lie behind the failure to complete a purchase, with lack of transparency over shipping costs, having to create an account and complex checkout processes being amongst the top culprits.

So how can you rectify this and recoup the loss?  Email follow-ups go a long way, and there are many techniques you can use.

Cart abandonment emails are an opportunity to re-engage with users. They can reassure customers, highlight what they missed or offer additional discounts. Timing is key, and automation can help with this.

Nearly three-quarters of marketers think retargeting emails are effective, but just under half are using them.  For tips, tricks and best practice, see the infographic below from Salesforce. 

Please note, you should be aware of the new GDPR legislation which has changed the landscape in Europe significantly and affects anyone marketing to Europe. Under GDPR rules, users have to have signed up and opted in to receive marketing emails from you for you to be able to contact them.

Source: Salesforce

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