Link Builder reviews

Posted by Justin Deaville on 18 Aug, 2011
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Read reviews and comments on Wordtracker's Link Builder tool. Or take a free 7-day trial.

Last month Wordtracker (re)launched our Link Builder app.

Edit - the Wordtracker Link Builder tool is no longer available however you're welcome to check out the Link Prospector tool by Citation Labs here.

We added loads of exciting features to help make your link building easier and faster - you can read more about them here: Is this the best link building tool ever?

Link Builder - users' comments

Hundreds of new users have signed up to try Link Builder I've been speaking to some of them - here's what they have been saying.

Pete Kever, president of GHIIS, a Cleveland, Ohio SEO company told us how Link Builder had sped up his link building:

"This morning I was working on a fairly competitive phrase, plus size dresses - for a client of mine called Kiyonna ( Within minutes I was able to tell exactly what niches I had not exploited yet. The new co-link count along with the filtering helps prioritize the effort.

And being able to see who is already linking to my client is very valuable to going back and getting even more links to deeper pages."

A search on Link Builder for plus size dresses produces hundreds of potential link prospects. You can search by keyword or analyze your competitors.

Keith Saye, of Best Website Design gave an honest account of how tedious he found link building - until he discovered the new Link Builder.

"I have always found that, although absolutely necessary, link building is the single most time consuming and tedious exercise to do with SEO. But then along came Link Builder and changed all that.  In my opinion, the best way to describe it is that not only does Link Builder quickly shine a spotlight on your top competitors' link strategy, it also plants a little flag there in case you didn't get the point. An absolute pleasure to use, and a massive time saver (but don't tell the competition!)."

Graham Ashton, an old friend of Wordtracker's, is founder of Agile Planner, the agile project management tool. He wrote to say:

"When I tried Link Builder I'd already researched the keywords that I wanted to use on my PPC campaign, so I fed the top keyword into Link Builder. When I sorted the results by "Co-link count" a treasure trove of niche specific review sites bubbled to the top.

"Being able to find contact details for all these sites with a single click is very nifty, and removes a lot of the grunt work involved in starting a linking campaign."

Link builders' reviews

We were particularly pleased with this review from expert link builder Wiep Knol:

"Link Builder is very, very easy to use. It uses competing link profiles to discover new link targets, and it’s very good at this ... the perfect tool for an SMBs or in-house online marketers with lots of responsibilities and limited budgets."

Link Builder allows you to see your competitors' link profiles. Notice how gets more links from news media than

A review by vanillacoke on SEOBook was just as positive:

"The features that I like in Wordtracker's Link Builder tool are:

  • Ability to prospect by multiple URLs or by choosing a specific keyword
  • Option to use Fresh or Historic Index via Majestic SEO
  • Simple ways to keep notes and contact information
  • Ability to search for contact and about information on selected prospects
  • Robust selection of countries
  • Initial, intelligent link grouping
  • Exporting capabilites
  • Fast results and a really clean, easy to use interface"

If you've blogged about Link Builder and we've missed your thoughts, please let us know (via email or @wordtracker on Twitter)

Edit - the Wordtracker Link Builder tool is no longer available however you're welcome to check out the Link Prospector tool by Citation Labs here.


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