Free webinar: 7 simple secrets to getting more links (and more money)

Posted by Justin Deaville on 12 Sep, 2012
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Free Webinar: 7 Simple Secrets To Getting More Links (& More Money)

In this free webinar link builders Ken McGaffin and Garrett French shared link building tactics you can start using right away to get the rankings (and the sales) your business deserves.

The need for links from authority sites has never been greater. If you want Google to send you revenue-boosting free traffic, you simply have to have high quality links pointing to your site. The old link building tricks don’t work any more. That’s the bad news.

But the good news is that anyone can learn to build quality links to their site and substantially boost their revenue. In this lively webinar Ken and Garrett sahred their link building methods and gave you 7 tactics you can start using right away.

7 simple secrets to getting more links (and more money) - Watch the recording

(Took place Wednesday 19th September 12 noon Eastern time (4pm UK time)

You’ll learn:

  • The one technique that will make you immediately attractive to your link targets.
  • How to find fantastic link prospects your competitors won’t even think about.
  • ‘Linkable assets’ are what attracts links to your site - we’ll give you a template to create one fantastic linkable asset in just 24 hours!
  • Why a link request should NEVER look like a link request (with one fantastic example that was irresistible!)
  • Why social media has transformed link building (and made it really easy for those in the know).
  • The fantastic FREE way to get yourself featured on major media (with a wonderful example you can follow).
  • Too busy to build links? We’ll show you how to make it part of your day to day activity.

You’ll get all these free tips and an opportunity to put your questions direct to Ken and Garrett.

You’ll also get a very special offer to our in-depth ‘Get Links’ webinar and video course that will turn you into a revenue-raising link building expert in just 7 weeks.

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