Goodbye AdWords, hello Ads. Google rebrands advertising products.

Posted by Edith MacLeod on 28 Jun, 2018
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Google has announced a major rebrand aimed at consolidating and simplifying its advertising offerings.

Google Ads


In a blog post yesterday, Google’s Senior Vice President, Ads & Commerce, Sridhar Ramaswamy introduced the new brands: Google Ads, Google Marketing Platform and Google Ad Manager.

Ramaswamy, referring to the rise of mobile and changes in the way people access the internet, said the fact that marketers could now reach consumers through multiple channels brought more opportunities but also increased complexity.

The rebrand aims to streamline Google’s products and make it easier for advertisers and publishers of all sizes to choose the solutions that are right for them.

Google AdWords becomes Google Ads

Google says the Ads brand represents the full range of advertising capabilities the search engine offers across Google properties, partner sites and apps.  

A new campaign type called Smart Campaigns is being introduced in Ads, aimed specifically at small businesses. Using machine learning and with a large degree of automation, it will allow resource tight small businesses to create campaigns more easily and quickly.

An Image Picker feature is planned for later this year, allowing users to either pick from Google’s top 3 suggestions or upload their own. Text and image combinations will be tested to help advertisers see what works best.

Smart Campaigns will be the new default ads experience, rolling out now in the US and more widely through to the end of the year.

Google Marketing Platform

Google Marketing Platform

DoubleClick advertiser products and the Google Analytics 360 Suite are consolidated in the Google Marketing Platform, which aims to make cross team and product collaboration easier.

In a blog post introducing the new platform VP of Display and Video Advertising, Brad Bender, said their recent survey showed marketers’ top concern was understanding their customers better, and companies were working more collaboratively across digital teams and products.

“Google Marketing Platform builds on existing integrations between the Google Analytics 360 Suite and DoubleClick advertiser products. Marketers have seen great results when they use ads and analytics technology together. For example, BookIt used Analytics 360 to uncover insights about the types of travelers interested in their brand and used these insights to create more relevant campaigns in Display & Video 360. The result was a 20 percent increase in revenue.”

A new Integration Center allows advertisers to discover and set up connections between products. It includes over 100 integrations with third party products and solutions.

Integration Center

Google also announced Display & Video 360 bringing together features from DoubleClick Bid Manager, Campaign Manager, Studio and Audience Center. Further details will be released in the next few weeks.

Google Ad Manager

Google Ad Manager

DoubleClick for Publishers and DoubleClick Ad Exchange are brought together in a unified programmatic platform, Google Ad Manager.

With people using multiple screens, the way content is monetized has changed. Google says that given advertisers’ increasing demand for programmatic access, publishers need to be able to be able to manage their businesses more simply and efficiently.

“Ad Manager gives you a single platform for delivering, measuring and optimizing ads wherever your audience is engaging—including connected TVs, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), mobile games and other apps, and platforms like YouTube and Apple News.”

Google Ads, Google Marketing Platform and Google Ad Manager brands will start to roll out from July. 

For more details, see Google's blog post.

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