Personal Stylist dominates keyword search thanks to Wordtracker

Posted by Hayden Allen-Vercoe on 19 Apr, 2012
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How to dominate keyword search with Wordtracker, the leading Keywords tool

Four years ago, Chantelle Znideric made the decision to change careers and go from graphic designer to personal stylist over night. Lucky for her she had been exposed to Wordtracker's Keywords tool while she was a graphic designer.

She immediately spotted a broad range of opportunities to target very specific keywords. Within six months of launching with this strategy, Chantelle was competing with some of her most prominent and long established competitors. in her first year, she brought in over $63,000 (£40,000) worth of revenue.

Personal styling and personal shopping is a service that has experienced a 400% level of growth year on year for the last five years (Source Thanks to the likes of UK-based celebrities such as Gok Wan, Trinny & Suzanna and Mark Heyes, it’s become far more acceptable (and affordable) to have a little help in the wardrobe department – it’s not just for the uber rich or spotlight celebrity anymore!

Four years ago, Chantelle Znideric made the decision to change careers and go from graphic designer to personal stylist overnight. After achieving her styling qualification and joining the ranks of the Federation of Image Professionals (TFIC), she soon spotted that much of the competition really wasn’t performing on search engines, possibly through a lack of knowledge of basic SEO.

Lucky for her she had been exposed to Wordtracker's Keywords tool while she was a graphic designer at the digital agency she was previously employed at. After subscribing to the service and punching in a broad selection of keywords relating to personal styling, personal shopping and wardrobe weeding, she immediately spotted a broad range of opportunities to target very specific (long tail) keywords and place them strategically into the titles, descriptions, meta and headers of her website.

However, the real eureka moment came when she discovered that the domain was still available … surely a miracle!

Personal stylist web page

Having snapped this up she launched her newly built and strategically optimized website, then proceeded to purchase 20 further keyphrase-led domains that Wordtracker helped her identify. These were typically short tail keywords followed by a popular location (eg, Each domain hosted a single web page attached to it, but was made to look identical to the central website with the central navigation as a ‘no-follow’ link from the main website (ie, when a person clicked on the navigation they would immediately be directed back to the central website). Each of these web pages was individually written and focused on targeting a selection or relevant search terms according to the domain purchased. Nothing black hat about that.

Within six months of launching with this strategy, Chantelle was competing with some of the most prominent and long established competitors, bringing over £40,000 worth of revenue to her door in year one. Today, this strategy is still proving effective, with Chantelle now receiving at least five keyword-specific enquiries per day, each potentially worth a minimum of £250!

Chantelle continues to review the short, mid and long tail key phrases that are being searched using Wordtracker, and tweaks her site and pages every six months religiously. This strategy only seems to further improve her position as one of the leading personal stylists and personal shoppers in the UK. web page

What’s more, thanks to Chantelle’s blog,, she has full control over promoting optimized keyphrase links back to specific pages within her central site.

The moral of the story

Chantelle’s success came from an understanding of the mid-long tail opportunities in her market space. She was able to find and capitalize on them using Wordtracker. Focusing on the hugely competitive short tail keywords often means that you will be missing out on the many new business opportunities overlooked by the competition. Keyword-led domains are clearly still working for businesses and what’s to say you can’t have 100 individually written and optimized, mid to long tail keyword-targeted separate web pages in addition to your central website?

Get a free 7-day trial

A subscription to Wordtracker's premium Keywords tool will help you to:

  • Generate thousands of relevant keywords to improve your organic and PPC search campaigns.
  • Optimize your website content by using the most popular keywords for your product and services.
  • Research online markets, find niche opportunities and exploit them before your competitors.

Take a free 7-day trial of Wordtracker’s Keywords tool 

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