Top 50 global keywords of September 2014

Posted by Jo Cameron on 8 Oct, 2014
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The top 50 global keywords for September 2014 and how to use them as part of your marketing strategy.

This month our top 50 keywords include minecraft, iphone, windows and resume.

It’s no secret that single keywords are generally more difficult to rank well for, so how do you use this information to get more engaged visitors on your site? Let me show you how.

top 50 keywords for September 2014
The Wordtracker Keywords tool provides up to 10,000 results for each search (for the Gold subscription) so you can explore the granular data within your niche to gather ideas for blog posts or marketing outreach, get a better understanding of the language of the niche, and pinpoint high-performing keywords for landing page optimization.

I have chosen to research ‘resume’ so I’ve popped that into the keywords tool and filtered the results by ‘Keyword Questions’. You can also sort by KEI to bring up results with higher search volume and lower competition.

The first thing I notice is the many different ways people ask search engines about resume writing. There are questions are being asked about particular industries, geographical locations, and some specific queries about formatting.

resume keywords

These are questions that you can provide the answer for! If your company is a niche industry think about providing an engaging blog post, infographic or video highlighting what you are  looking for in a job application or resume. 

If you read our post last week you’ll know that “content led approach to creating audience engagement” is considered a priority by many of our 33 SEO experts.

So make your content clear, valuable, and high quality to encourage shares and links from industry specialists which in turn will raise your profile and visibility for potential clients.

I hope this post gives you some ideas for using top keywords as part of your marketing strategy.

If you have any ideas or questions please feel free to join the conversation below.

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